Ultimate Herpes Protocol review The cases of genital warts did not decrease among men who had sex with other men and furthermore, the numbers did not decrease among women who lived in Australia but who were not resident to the country. Gardasil was recently recommended approval by an FDA panel who stated that this vaccine is beneficial in the prevention of anal cancer in men and women.

HPV causes cancer of the cervix, vulva in women and of penile and anal cancer in men. The figures for the annual HPV related cancer cases are represented by 14 cases in 100,000 among women and 7 out of 100,000 in men. It is thought that the reason men are not vaccinated is due to the tremendous focus that has been placed on women regarding the HPV virus in the past and the reality that data on the male experience of HPV is just not in existence as a result.

The FDA are planning not only to consider vaccinating men but will also be expected to decide on the vaccinations use in the prevention of cervical cancer in women aged 27 to 45 years.

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    January 2014

