Ultimate Herpes Protocol Program How To Avoid Genital Warts-HPV, doesn't take a large strip of imagination.

Here's the one tried and true way you can keep from spreading the virus that causes genital warts and some cancers that affect the genitals: Don't have sex.

Genital warts can spread through oral sex, anal sex and genital sex.

The best way to avoid having genital warts and other sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from sex. Symptoms of Genital Warts Some of the symptoms of genital warts are itching in the genital area and pink or flesh colored lumps on the genital area, anus, mouth or throat.

Most genital warts do not cause any pain but may be itchy and cause discomfort for infected people and are certainly unsightly. For More Information Go To "How To Treat Genital Warts Home" Page How To Avoid Genital Warts-HPV can be accomplished if you follow these health tips.

Treatment for Genital Warts If you are experiencing some of the symptoms of genital warts, it is best that you consult your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be treated.

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    January 2014

