Ultimate Herpes Protocol download Well, there's about four major different types of warts, which can be broken up into, Common Warts, Plantar Warts, Genital Warts and Acrochordons.

And since 30 HPV strains, which can in turn lead to genital warts, is quite a large percentage it can to some extent explain why it's so easy for anyone who is sexually active, within a non-monogamous relationship, to get genital warts.

And of these 30 or so HPV strains which do cause genital warts, they can also be separated into two categories, that of the high risk HPV strains and that of the low risk HPV strains.

This is also the reason why people with medical conditions where their immune system is compromised, pregnant women, or people who have been taking immune suppressing drugs are more susceptible towards the virus and why the HPV strains will also manifest themselves in the form of genital warts more readily on these people.

This isn't to say that just because you're pregnant you'll get genital warts, or just because you have a medical condition with a compromised immune system that you will get genital warts.

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