Ultimate Herpes Protocol bonus To put it plainly and simply, genital HPV is a sexually transmitted disease.

There's also the little fact that the more contact you have with different sexual partners, the more likely it is that you will get genital HPV. In fact, studies conducted over the years have shown that approximately 18-20% of the population suffers from genital HPV and that number is growing yearly. It could also be because some people might feel embarrassed to admit they have genital HPV and won't seek any medical attention.

If you have genital HPV and are looking to cure yourself, the one thing that I can tell you before you go any further is if you're thinking about using any of the readily available over-the-counter treatments, then don't. These are good for the other types of warts caused by the HPV infection, but for genital HPV it's a strong and resolute no-no.

The skin around your genital area is very sensitive and these methods of curing genital HPV can be harsh.

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    January 2014

