Ultimate Herpes Protocol pdf HPV testing in many cases involves nothing more strenuous than a visual examination by your physician.

Other HPV testing methods includes that of a cervical smear test. This added precaution of frequent HPV testing is undertaken until there is an improvement in the condition.

This sort of regular HPV testing needs to be carried out as genital HPV if left untreated can lead to abnormal cell development on the walls of the cervix which in turn can lead to cancer of the cervix.
Another HPV testing method is that of colposcopy. If there are areas on the cervix or the vaginal walls which don't take on the dye, a small cell sample is then taken for further HPV testing. To obtain the maximum results from your HPV testing there are few things that you can do, or not do, as the case may be.
These include, not douching as this can wash away any necessary evidence of HPV, not using any vaginal medications or herbal suppositories, and not using a tampon.

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