Ultimate Herpes Protocol Melanie Addington Herpes and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are sexually transmitted diseases that still carry a burden of shame and misunderstanding.

A social stigma is a preconceived judgment that people place on other people.
The stigma is real.

HPV is also associated with serious misconceptions and myths.

For women with HPV, this creates a scenario that is not only damaging to self-esteem, but can pose a serious risk to their health.

What is the solution to the vast wasteland of people who are dedicated to believing the falsehoods that surround sexually transmitted diseases? Sharing scientifically based facts about genital herpes and HPV can help stop the madness. Sharing information about what genital herpes and genital warts are, how people contact them, and how common these diseases are, is a positive thing.

There is an abundance of resources available for learning about herpes and HPV.

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    January 2014

