Much of the information about HPV virus centers on women, since having the virus increases their risk of getting cervical cancer. HPV can also cause genital warts in men, just as in women. Genital warts are the first symptom you may see with low-risk HPV strains that cause warts but not cancer. In a recent study of young women who had just become sexually active, those whose partners used a condom each time they had sex were less likely to get an HPV infection than were women whose partners used a condom less than 5% of the time. To diagnose genital warts in men, the doctor will visually check a man's genital area to see if warts are present. However, some doctors are urging anal Pap tests for gay and bisexual men, who are at higher risk of anal cancer caused by HPV. HPVCurative thereby eradicates genital warts without any recurrence, making it superior to other genital warts cures. The low molecular weight and lipophilic tendency of the HPV cure enables it to penetrate into the DNA of infected cell membranes, where the HPV virus resides. HPVCurative is so effective among available HPV cures because it not only contains only the most potent certified organic antiviral medicinal plant extracts, but is highly tolerable to genital tissue as well.

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    January 2014

