Ultimate Herpes Protocol HPV Symptoms And General Information Human Papillomavirus or HPV has been a popular subject on the Internet, because reports are showing that over 70 percent of the population are infected with HPV. Therefore, we should all learn to recognize the symptoms of HPV and understand just how HPV is detected. When HPV Does Not Produce Symptoms HPV has of over a hundred different viruses. For More Information On How To Treat Genital Warts Go To Our Home Page When HPV Does Produce Symptoms Since not all strains of HPV cause cancer, the other strains of HPV can produce symptoms called genital warts. Diagnosing HPV In Women The best method of detecting and diagnosing HPV in women is through a regular pelvic exam and Pap smear. Diagnosing HPV In Men There is no screening test available for men to determine if they are infected with HPV. What To Do If You Have HPV Symptoms If you suspect that you have genital warts or may be infected with HPV, see your doctor. A yearly pap smear will detect HPV and any cervical changes caused by HPV before they become life threatening.

HPV Symptoms And General Information are important to know because HPV is the most common STD in America.

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    January 2014

